Here is how I spend most of my day. Heather is studying World History this year and is pictured here working on a project for Ancient Egypt. One of the reasons I love homeschooling so much is the amount of material I learn right along with my girls. Much of it I don't remember learning or most likely, didn't!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I Should Be Grading Papers Tonight...
Posted by Pam at 8:25 PM 3 comments
Hot Days in August...
Remember those really hot days in August?? The ones where nothing brought relief except being sprawled on the ground underneath the ceiling fan? We had worked on the house most of the day and decided to drive up to the North Fork. It was very refreshing for the girls and me--not so for Russ with his broken arm. We didn't stay long...not quite the right time of day/evening to go..too many strange people... I really wish we had this in our backyard...maybe that can be next year's project!!
Posted by Pam at 8:13 PM 0 comments
More Caley Pictures...
I told them I wanted "school" pictures. They came back with these... When Hannah was just about as tall as Caley, people often asked if they were twins especially when they would wear their hair in a messy bun...I think that's what it's called!
Handy tripod...
Posted by Pam at 7:54 PM 2 comments
Happy 14th Birthday, Hannah! Sept. 21st 2008
Another Birthday--I think it's time to scan the baby pictures. Caley took this one. Russ and I were busy on the house a couple of Saturdays ago and the girls went and had some fun downtown with the camera. They just need to slow down--growing to fast for my liking!
Posted by Pam at 7:46 PM 0 comments
No Pictures...Just Praises
Today was another milestone for our oldest daughter, Caley. After 7 weeks of waiting, a lost application, reapplying, checking in almost weekly (this young lady is very persistent--for which I am so proud!), struggling on her own to discern God's will, and waiting some more...phew! She got the job!! She is now officially an employee at Great Harvest Bread Company. She had her interview this morning and the owner called her by this afternoon offering her the job! I think I'm more excited then she is...We are in that place in our lives, with our children, where we are releasing them more and more to experience what God intends in all of us--to completely trust and wait on Him. It's exciting to see God's work in our kids inspite of how hard it is to watch them experience waiting. God is faithful though and we should know it because of His past faithfulness in our lives. Great lesson for a teenager!
Great reminder for me...
Posted by Pam at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Kidnapped!! Sept. 2008
This is a first as far as I can remember. When the 8th graders moved up to Highschool Cause this last week, they were all kidnapped between 6:30 and 7:00 am. They could only wear sweats and had 1 minute to get ready. They were then driven to the Holt's for breakfast and then to church looking as if they had just gotten out of bed. Leandra Uram is pictured here coming to wake Hannah up and Caley was in on it, too. As Hannah was rushed out the door she turned around and said, "Here!" She dropped her retainer (slimey I might add) into the palm of my hand! Yuk!! She did make it through the morning. I wish I looked that good first thing in the morning...
Posted by Pam at 4:17 PM 2 comments
Summer Fun--2008
Hangin' out at our house. Usually the kids pool their money and buy icecream. Amanda and April MacCollin and Julie Nobis with the girls
Posted by Pam at 4:07 PM 1 comments
2 Down--1 to Go!! August, 2008
Here is a picture of Hannah the morning she gets her braces off after 2 years... After the braces are removed, now they can go ahead and eat candy--like they weren't eating it before!!!
Hannah at the age of 12 just getting her braces on. More pictures to come of her life this week. She turns 14 the 21st of September...
Posted by Pam at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Going Back...Again, July 2008
I didn't get very many pictures of the girls in swimteam this summer. I should have, we were on another team but, sometimes I find it hard to time, cheer, eat and take pictures all at the same time... Many ribbons and a couple of trophies by the end of the season...
Heather after a race...
Hannah, too...
Heather in a relay...
Me timing with BJ Blair...
Posted by Pam at 3:22 PM 1 comments
I'm Procrastinating...
I should be out painting trim right now, but I just don't want to. I guess that's OK. I'll go out in a bit--maybe. I'm justifying not going out in this heat because we have small groups tonight and I don't want to be stinky. Besides, all of my favorite brushes are still dirty and soaking in a bucket of water from yesterday's painting. Maybe I won't (can't) go after all... The garage is done!! I love this picture! I even found new outdoor lighting at Fred Meyer. Five lights for $53.
Jay starting on the garage.
Finishing the garage...
Tearing off the back of the house...
I wonder how many times he has really fallen off??
Posted by Pam at 2:53 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The End is Near....
Have you ever started a home project thinking it would take just a minimal amount of time to complete and it turns into an opportunity to experience God's incredible blessing? We have been in the midst of that over the last several weeks. These pictures will help you to understand why there hasn't been any time for blogging, vacations, etc. It started with just a little dry rot that we've been ignoring for atleast two years...then moved on to Russ falling off of a ladder or 2 and breaking his elbow (you might want to ask him about that...) and then the blessings too inumerable to count, came pouring in. After I got over the initial disappointment of Russ breaking his arm (Yes, I was very upset! How in the world were we going to accomplish this incredible task????), I told him I was sure God allowed him to break his arm to teach me a thing or two....and so it has been. Here we go in no particular order because I don't know how to do that nor do I have the time to figure it out... Me and Peppie trying to get out. At one point I had accidently taped off all the doors because Jay is so incredibily fast and the girls were all trapped inside for a time...I thought it was funny, they didn't.
Jay with his respirator--such a clown...
This side is 20-30 feet up. I couldn't even be in the area ladders make me nervous especially when someone is dangling from one...
Forgot to mention we are having the roof replaced, too...more pics to come...
Posted by Pam at 9:37 PM 2 comments