Saturday, April 4, 2009

"Maa, I can'n fweel my whip..."

These were Hannah's "mouth-stuffed-with-cotton" words as we were driving home after she got her wisdom teeth pulled. After her braces were removed and teeth x-rayed, it was discovered she had 6 wisdom teeth and maybe another growing. My immediate concern? How are her teeth going to remain so beautifully straight if she has all these teeth moving and growing--we just paid a lot of money. I didn't want to do it again! The oral surgeon's concern? Those wisdom teeth, at least 4 of them, were growing in such a way that to leave them in might damage nerves or something like that. So 4 were removed and 2 are still in--atleast she still has a little "wisdom" left until she's 16 when the other 2 will be removed along with all her wisdom, I'm sure. :-)

Right after arriving home...time for movies and drugs!! Nice handy ice-pack...

"Mom, why can't I have another Jamba Juice?" "What do you mean I have to make my own?!?" I thought she was going to get away with little or no swelling...

There's no cotton in those cheeks, just lots of swelling! Real food and more goes our first experience with a child having their wisdom teeth out. Currently, she is playing with the slowly dissolving
stitches dangling in her mouth. Gross! "Look, Mom!" No Thanks!