Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Was So Much Fun!!!

When my brothers and I were kids, my dad pulled us around attached to the back of his pick-up...and got in trouble. I think, if I remember correctly, he went around a corner so fast it caused my little brother to slide under a car. Did I imagine that or did it happen?? I can't remember. We literally did this for hours on 2 different days pulling the kids behind a tiny Nissan Versa.

We started off safely--about 5 miles per hour and eventually I got up to 20 mph. There was lots of snow for padding!

I drove the car--because I am the safest driver in the family!

Caley after plowing through a snow bank...

Heather had the best style and I think the most fun. She stayed on the longest even when I tried to throw her off around corners. One time I literally threw her into a snowbank! It reminder me of water skiing and kneeboarding.

Taylor and Heather weathered the frigid temperatures the longest.

We started out with all four of the girls on one sled then they figured out it worked better weight wise with just 2...much faster!

Great memories for Christmas 2008!


Family of 5 said...

You are such daredevils! :) looks like fun and I'm glad you were safe!

Wendy said...

Loads of fun. What an adventure.